... I started a blog. I have joined the millions of other people who have decided to publicize their every move. "Why?" you ask.... I really don't know, I guess I decided that this could be my little diary, if not for someone else's enjoyment, then for me to be able to look back at my many projects and endeavours that I attempt and sometimes complete. The title isn't meant to sing my own praises... one day I'll give an explanation...
So..... ya....... I'm not really sure where to go from here.
Ok, ok, ok, I'll explain my title, I don't want to sound conceited right off the bat, 'cause really, I am not the most confident of people. It's something I'm working on.
My story...
I have quite the interest in obscure hobbies (and as you may have noticed.... many periods in a row). I also am very happily married to a husband who is very patient with my many obscure hobbies. Where shall I start...
Piano and singing:
My parents put me into piano lessons when I was 5. Like most kids at that age, I hated to practice and thinking about it now, I am so thankful that my parents weren't slave drivers about it cause then I probably wouldn't be playing it anymore because the fun wasn't taken out of it. Practicing aside, I loved playing the piano. I just didn't like to be told what to play and classical music wasn't exactly the most fun. I remember getting some of my "Little Golden Books" out, placing them on the piano and I would make up music and sing the words to the story. I think my parents even tape recorded it once without me knowing. Fast forward 20+ years and I still love to play piano (and now keyboard, hopefully one day a keytar!). I play mostly in church but have also played for a wedding dance in a cover band and did some other stuff (wedding ceremonies, Christmas events, etc). Awesome fun!! In the last few years I have also added guitar and bass guitar to my repertoire thanks to my now husband whom I fell in love with while he gave me lessons.
Knitting and Crochet:
My Baba taught me to crochet back in the day when I was just a little gaffer (maybe 7-ish or so, I really don't remember) and I would dabble in it now and then but it didn't really take off until about 6 or so years ago when I taught myself to knit, then I got terribly addicted to yarn although I didn't buy a lot of it. I mainly admired it from afar. Ravelry has now made me a knit and crochet fiend! The last couple of months, I have been taken up with handspun yarn but I decided that it was too expensive to buy. Like most things that I want but am too budget minded to buy, I get thoughts that I could make it myself so.... I made myself a drop spindle and ordered some raw carded wool from a woolen mill here in Alberta (I support local resources) I can now add hand-spinning wool to my portfolio. Now I am obsessed with finding a good spinning wheel so that I can make better and more wool in a shorter amount of time but unfortunately the wheel that I bought yesterday is not functional... I really should have done more research.... I'm sure there will be more on that saga.
Growing up, the only summer vacations my family really did was camping and fishing. I LOVE the outdoors! Some may think that fishing is dirty and stinky, but I don't. I was (and still am) the little girl at the fish gutting bench, cutting open the fish, opening the stomach to see what it was eating and attempting to make fillets with a dull knife. Dad really needs to get his filleting knives sharpened. Anyways, to add to my fishing experience.... my dad got a fly tying kit one day from my uncle for Christmas but I kind of inherited it. I found it fascinating that you could take a bare hook, some thread, feathers, deer hair and other little treasures that birds and dead animals have given us and make the most perfect little intricate fly to catch fish with. Now, whenever my brother goes fly fishing, he describes to me some of the bugs that he's seen on the water and I try to replicate them in fishing fly form. It can be a challenge sometimes but it feels so good when someone catches a fish on a fly that I made. Oh, and fly fishing is something I love to do but I am not exactly skilled at it. One day I will take lessons and then I'll be a pro... hopefully. The best place to go fly fishing when you don't know how to fly fish is in little lakes on top of the Rocky Mountains. You can catch trout like crazy with no skill at all. It's so fun but you have to hike there (which I enjoy, husband... not so much) and you get to see the most amazing scenery! Ok, enough on fishing for now.
Baking and Cake decorating:
My mom always made my brother and my birthday cakes growing up and I loved watching her decorate them. I remember sitting across the kitchen counter from her and watching her pipe all the icing on the cake with the star tip and making a lump of shaped cake into something awesome. In 2008 I started my own cake decorating business called Scratch Etcetera. I make cakes for any occasion. Stacked and carved, mostly with fondant and a lot of love. It's my one hobby that I get paid for! It's so sweet <-- bad pun
Well those are most important hobbies and interests that I can think of right now. I'm impressed, for not knowing where to start, I've gotten quite a bit down... So now blogging will be the next thing that I want to master. I have never been much of a creative writer but I also thought I wasn't much of a public speaker but I did a cake presentation a few weeks ago at a women's event and it went really well! Bear with me as I figure this blogging thing out...
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